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Tribals of Orissa: the Changing Socio-Economic Profile: the Changing Socio-Economic Profile

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Book Code: 1111007100927

B.C. Ray

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Tribals of Orissa About The Book Orissa is the home of 62 scheduled tribes. But comparitively very little research has been done on the socio-economic life of the tribals. This is a pioneering work to combine the studies and analyses by historians,anthropologists, psychologists, economists and literary critics on the changing society of the tribals.As a combined effort of many academecians the book gives a wide coverage on the study of Orissan tribals, to make it a worth while addition to the available material on the subject. Contents Preface • Introduction • Contributing Authors • CHAPTER • Aryanization of Tribal Deity-The Jagannath • Aryanized Tribal Goddesses in the District of Ganjam • Changing Pattern of Tribal Religious System in Ancient Orissa • Socio-Cultural changes of Tribal Life under the British Rule in Orissa • Religious Rites and Festivals of the Tribes of Orissa • Adivasis of Mayur Bhanj : An Analysis Cultural Growth • Study of Tribal Cultures in Orissa From Descriptive Data to Experimental Innovations • Eradication of Meriah or Human Sacrifice From the Social Life of the Khonds of Orissa in the 19th Century • The Practice of Infanticide Among the Khonds of Orissa • A study of the Social And Health condition of “Saura” Tribe in Orissa • Changes in Socio-Economic Life of the Tribals in Phulbani District of Orissa • Industrialization and Changing Pattern of Socio-Economic Life of Tribals-A Case Study in the Lathikata Region of Sundargarh District • An Analysis of the Improved Economic Life of the Tribals of Orissa and the way Towards Integration • Appendix • Index About the author/editor Dr. B. C. Ray obtained his Master’s degree from the Allahabad University and began as Lecturer in a Government College in Orissa. Later, he went to University of London and was awarded the Ph.D. degree Later, he joined Utkal University and was Professor and Head, Department of History, Berhampur University before his retirement. He was also a Visiting Professor to Harvard University. He delivered lectures in Jagiellonian and Warsaw University of Poland. Among his important works are Orrisa under the Mughals, Orissa under the Marathas, and Foundation of British Orissa. He has to his credit a large number of research papers published in several historical journals in India and abroad.

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